It's been 48 hours of being four and Hannah has discovered many new and improved talents. Among other things she showed us that she can run faster. Then we were out in the garage and I was loading laundry. She begins helping me and I thanked her. Her response was, "I'm four now, so I can do that." HALLELUJAH! A four year old that wants to do laundry, I hope it's not a fluke.
Hannah's personality is very thoughtful and sensitive (emotional!). She is a little cuddler/lover at heart. She always asks to sleep with Hudson or us. It's all cute and snuggly until sleep hits. Then she turns into an ultimate fighter kicking and giving good blows to our back, body, or face! When she gets too sleepy to notice I sneak her back to her own bed.
I have th e most fun with Hannah when she is dancing or playing pretend. She comes up with the funniest moves, of course I didn't teach then to her. Maybe we'll learn how to put video clips here so you can enjoy the improv dancing too!